Cultural Navigator®

The Cultural Navigator® is an engaging and powerful learning platform that enables companies operating in a global context to leverage the diversity of their stakeholders, partners and workforce for maximum performance.

A Menu of Valuable Features
  • Personalized user experience connects users to the content most relevant to their business needs
  • The Cultural Orientations Indicator® (COI) identifies cultural preferences and how they impact the user’s work
  • Customized search options allow users to quickly connect to colleagues and follow subject matter experts
  • Access to exclusive content and features specific to an organization
  • Integrates a user’s organizational data and learning initiatives
  • Optimized for smartphones and tablets
The Cultural Navigator: Customized, Enriching Benefits

The Cultural Navigator is designed for integration into the suite of talent management tools to provide a well-rounded learning experience. The user interface is easily personalized to a specific individual’s needs. Users are guided to areas that prioritize global strategies for improved performance and increased cultural agility.

Virtual Teaming

Enhanced collaboration through self-awareness building and understanding of one another’s cultural norms and assumptions can result in more effective working relationships across an organization’s worldwide locations.

Communicating and Collaborating

Connect easily to local and global colleagues with the social media components embedded into the Cultural Navigator, and leverage different work-style preferences to improve communication and collaboration in your organization across geographic and functional boundaries.


Enable and maximize today’s mobile workforce to quickly adjust to new cultures and work environments by enhancing awareness and understanding of the underlying local customs and traditions that inform how people live and work in the host country.

Diversity and Inclusion

Understand the impact of diversity in the workplace, and leverage individual contributions to foster creative problem-solving and maximize innovation.

Cultural Orientations Indicator®: Understand the Impact of Culture

The COI assesses a user’s work style and cultural preferences. The resulting recommendations can serve to bridge cultural gaps, leading to strengthened business relationships and successful initiatives. The assessment is organized into three dimensions: Interaction Style, Thinking Style, and Sense of Self. The report generates instant results and features valuable tools such as audio debriefs to aid with application of the findings. The report includes recommendations for further learning including Learning Paths, activities and resources based on the user’s cultural preferences. The COI is available in over 10 languages. Learn more about COI.

Guided Learning Paths

Learning Paths are at the core of the Cultural Navigator experience and provide a customized strategy to improve the user’s cultural agility by:

  • Connecting to material relevant to their needs in a linear series of steps
  • Previewing activities and estimated completion time within a Learning Path
  • Tracking progress and resuming their learning from the last completed activity when convenient
  • Receiving learning assignments from their organization as pre-work for upcoming programs or in alignment with organizational initiatives
  • Accessing recommended online enrichment opportunities through eLearning modules, articles, podcasts, and videos on topics of interest
Country Guides: An Abundance of Relevant Resources

Country Guides deliver a wealth of original research into cultural norms and management customs to provide users with rich knowledge about their country of interest. Users can learn to effectively connect with colleagues abroad by educating themselves on the target cultures of their business partners, colleagues and stakeholders.

When a user has completed the COI and virtually visits a country via the Cultural Navigator, they will receive an alert on the right-hand side of each country page that displays the potential cultural gaps they may experience when working with people from the country. Selecting the gap alert will launch a detailed chart organizing those gaps by dimension.

Country Guides also provide information on the current time and weather for selected cities in each country, providing a means by which users can initiate conversations and organize meetings with their international counterparts.


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